Download BTF resources

BTF Model resources are free to use in clinical practice. You are welcome to download the image or the animation from this page.

  • Please register with us on this page so we can contact you if there are important updates in relation to the model.
  • Please use the attributions and reference set out in the Conditions of Use below.
  • If you want to use the resources for research, please contact us for permission.

Registration form

Conditions of use

The BTF model image and animation are free to use with the following conditions:

1. The image and animation cannot be amended or adapted in any way.

2. The following statement needs to be included with the image or animation:

Reproduced with permission of the Cambridge Breathlessness Intervention Service.

3. The following reference needs to be cited:

Spathis A, Booth S, Moffat C, Hurst R, Ryan R, Chin C, et al. The Breathing, Thinking, Functioning clinical model: a proposal to facilitate evidence-based breathlessness management in chronic respiratory disease. npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. 2017;27(1):27.

4. The image and animation cannot be used to support research without prior permission (please request permission here).

How we use your personal information

Note that by registering here, you are agreeing that we will use your contact details to email you with any important changes to the BTF model.

Learn more about how we use your personal information on the University of Cambridge website.